19 Sep 2017
19 Sep 2017
Campaign Update
A last call to anyone who has not yet donated to please contribute just £5-£10 to the Campaign to fund KDBH Transport and Landscape studies. So little could achieve so much for the community and help take us to our target - it's easy to donate by clicking on the Donate button below.
The Campaign has now topped the £5,000 mark - roughly half way to our goal of £10,000 - £12,000. In the next two weeks, we will need to decide on what scope we can cover within the funding available and get the studies underway, so that findings are available in time to feed into both the Neighbourhood Plan and the next round of SMBC housing consultations.
Huge thanks to all who have contributed to the total raised so far - remarkable given the Campaign launched just after the start of the summer holidays. If you missed it - or if you've been thinking about donating but have not yet had time - please do donate asap.
There are a number of ways you can choose to donate, as best suits you. We can provide receipts, should you require -electronic funds transfer will provide a confirmation receipt automatically.
For business donations of £100+, to thank you for your support we would be happy to add your logo to our website and give you recognition within the KDBH community as a business sponsor of the Forum.
Donate Button
The button links to PayPal to securely process credit and debit card donations - or you can use your PayPal account.
Bank Transfer*
Sort Code : 30-90-91
Ac Number : 70724268
Ac Name: KDBHNF Donations
Pay cash or cheque into our Donations Account.
Our bank is Lloyds, High Street, Knowle
Account details as for Online Banking
by hand
By writing a cheque payable to 'KDBHNF Donations' and handing it to the Chair or Treasurer at a Forum Meeting.
AT your/our Bank
* If there's a 'Reference' field you could use it to add details that helps us identify your payment.
We've created a two minute video that explains what Solihull Council's housing proposals mean for KDBH and why we need to undertake this work ourselves. Click on the image to run the video
A brief outline of the scope of work for the Transport and Landscape studies, and how they will be used, is provided below
WHAT will the ANALYSIs cover?
Solihull Council proposes building on two large sites at Hampton Road (300 houses) and the 'Arden Triangle' (750 houses). Both sites are Green Belt. Residents and businesses want to know the impact this scale of development would have on Knowle, Bentley Heath and Dorridge in terms of:
a) transport infrastructure and
b) quality of landscape and green environment around our villages. *
The Neighbourhood Forum is seeking to respond to these concerns by commissioning independent consultants to provide independent analysis/advice. We have already prepared briefs for both a transportation and a landscape character assessment, with scope covering impacts across KDBH - not just the two individual sites. At least 3 consultants have been invited to tender for each piece of work. We are now in a position to appoint consultants, should funding become available.
Forum meetings attendees have indicated that they would be willing to contribute to the cost of this consultancy work and agreed that we should seek donations to fund the work. From quotations received, we anticipate the total cost will be in the order of £10,000 - £12,000 for the two commissions. Note: some of the work may be phased if sufficient funding is not immediately available.
We have summarised the two study briefs below to show how the money would be spent. Output will inform both preparation of Neighbourhood Plan policies, as well as providing 'evidence' based responses to the Council’s development proposals, including preparation of Concept Master Plans for the development sites.
* Residents have also asked for more information on the viability of the proposals with particular regard to whether the proposed community benefits (including new schools, sports facilities etc) can be delivered. Any work on this is pending the outcome of the two priority studies, described below.
Study 1: Landscape Character Assessment
The aims of this study are to ensure that:
If there is to be development on Green Belt land in KDBH, the impact on the landscape character is minimised and not lost by the development
New development brings landscape enhancements with improved public access to the countryside.
Work required includes:
A desk based review of published evidence of the landscape setting of KDBH
A critique of how this has been applied by the Council in promoting the housing allocations
A detailed assessment of the landscape quality and impact on character of the proposed housing allocations in KDBH, including impacts on vistas
Advice on how adverse impacts could be mitigated
Study 2: Transportation Assessment
The aims of this study are to ensure that:
if there is to be housing development and new leisure learning and community facilities built, levels of congestion do not increase above current levels, and existing parking problems are not added to as a result
new development during the Plan Period brings improvements in provision of parking (on and off street) and improved road or junction layout or design in places where congestion builds or safety is compromised.
The scope of work includes:
If the Arden Triangle and Hampton Road sites were to be redeveloped:
a) a prediction of increases in volumes of road traffic in KDBH Area
b) a prediction of the likely impact on road traffic volumes and levels of congestion within Knowle village centre and its immediate vicinity
c) an assessment of the likely impacts on Dorridge, in particular parking demand at and around the station
d) an assessment of the problems that these impacts will cause for road users in KDBH and the effect these will have on residents’ living conditions
Assess current parking demand in Knowle as against current on and off street capacity in Knowle, and how the existing parking capacity in Knowle is used.
Assess future parking demand v. capacity in Knowle village.
Suggest possible solutions to address the gap between parking capacity in Knowle and demand for parking
Advice on options that may provide possible long term solution to the parking problems and the need for increased off street parking capacity in Knowle
Suggest highway improvement measures that would alleviate problems anticipated from projected increases in road traffic volumes, particularly arising from the proposed Arden Triangle & Hampton Road developments.
Suggest measures to alleviate parking problems (on street and off street) associated with Dorridge Station.