How did the forum come about?
We exist because, in 2011, the Government introduced the Localism Act. This change in planning law gave local communities - that's YOU - new powers to determine how THEY want to see their Area develop. That's got to be good, right?
This happens by getting together as a community to create a Neighbourhood Plan that sets conditions (policies) for new development specifically relating to our villages. And the way we come together is through a Neighbourhood Forum.
So why not add your voice to how our community develops, and in the process get to know more about the people and life in this wonderful place we are lucky to call home.
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Forum Governance
From the outset, an important focus was to define a robust framework to ensure the Forum is professionally governed - with clear leadership, roles and responsibilities - and operates within an agreed constitution and procedures.
Initially established in 2015 as a Limited Company, in July 2020 we received confirmation that our application to become a charity had been successful. We are therefore in a period of transition, with the Trustees becoming accountable for day to day operations from 1 October 2020.
Our governance documents include:
Constitution (to meet Charities Commission requirements)
In July 2020, we applied to Solihull Council for re-designation of the KDBH Neighbourhood Forum as a charity. Our application document, which also provides a summary of activities and outcomes from October 2015 - July 2020, can be read Here
Our re-designation was confirmed, following 6 weeks public consultation, on 29 September 2020.