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Forum Responses to Planning applications and appeals

It is important to understand that, in most cases, the planning process allows only three weeks for responses to new planning applications to be submitted to Solihull Council (SMBC).   This is a challenging enough timeframe for the NF volunteer team to become aware of and assess the application, and then provide a considered and carefully thought through response.  It does not, unfortunately, allow time for community consultation.


Fortunately, the adopted KDBH Neighbourhood Plan (NP), approved at Referendum by 96% of KDBH community voters, provides a legitimate, robust and objective basis for all NF responses, with supporting reference as appropriate to associated Planning Legislation.  NF responses are therefore objective, ie. not based on opinion;  and, as far as is possible, consistent, recognising that every application must be assessed on its own merits.  


The process for creating a response is:  the NF’s Planning Advisor provides planning policy guidance; other members of the Forum team can give their input; a draft response is created for final review prior to signature and issue to SMBC by the Forum Chair.  All Forum planning application responses are made available on the NF website - see below.


NF quarterly meetings with SMBC provide an opportunity to review how the NP is being applied in determining planning decisions.  The Resident Associations can also feed in to the NF any points they wish to raise with SMBC relating to their own planning application responses.


16 October 2023

Response to Planning Application - PL/2023/00222/MAJFDW

Hybrid planning application for the construction of an integrated retirement community of up to 170 extra care units.

The Knowle Dorridge and Bentley Heath Forum (“the Forum”) has considered the further
documentation provided in respect of this application since the Forum’s initial response to the
application dated 28th March 2023 (“the Forum’s Response”).

28 March 2023

Response to Planning Application - PL/2023/00222/MAJFDW

Integrated Retirement Community, Stripes Hill.

Hybrid planning application for the construction of an integrated retirement community of up to 170

extra care units (use class c2) with ancillary communal and care facilities and green space consisting of:

(a) Full planning application for approximately 48 extra care units including the village centre (Use

class c2), means of access, landscaping, open space and all other associated works and infrastructure;

and (b) Outline planning application (all matters reserved except access) for up to approximately 122

extra care units with ancillary community space, gardens, green space, landscaping and all other

associated works including demolition of stripes hill house and infrastructure.

31 August 2023

Response to Planning Application PL/2023/01579/PPFL
Erection of 15 dwellings with associated public open space, landscaping, vehicular access off Langfield Road and associated works (Amended resubmission of planning application

21 December 2022

Response to Planning Application - PL/2022/02413/PPFL

Erection of 20 dwellings with vehicular access off Langfield Road including associated public open space and works

31 August 2023

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2023/01337/PPFL

Erect new build family dwelling on existing vacant land to north west of 105 Darley Green Road, Knowle.

The KDBH Neighbourhood Forum (the Forum) has reviewed the documents accompanying this application and raises an objection for the following reasons:

31 August 2023

Response to Planning Application ReferencePL/2023/01528/PPF

Erection of 2 five bed detached houses on land adjacent to 28 Four Ashes Road.

31 August 2023

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2023/01577/PN

Prior notification for the installation of a 18 metre high monopole supporting 6 No. antennas with a wraparound equipment cabinet at the base of the column, the installation of 2 No. new equipment cabinets, and ancillary development thereto.  Telecommunications Mast SOL142 Warwick Road Knowle Solihull.

31 August 2023

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2023/01634/MINFOT 

Yew Tree Cottage - erect stoned hardstandings and access drive for caravan pitches. 

The KDBH Neighbourhood Forum (the Forum) notes that this is the third application relating to the establishment of a caravan site at this address. The first, for 13 pitches was withdrawn. 


21 December 2022

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2022/02387/MINFOT

PL/2022/02387/MINFOT Erection of small amenity block to support leisure facility – Yew Tree Cottage, Box Trees Road, Dorridge


28 February 2022

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2022/00069/COU

Land Adjacent Yew Tree Cottage, Box Trees Road, Dorridge

Change of use from land for equestrian use to holiday caravan site (13 pitches)

31 August 2023

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2023/01568/COU

Change of use of house and outbuildings to wellness centre. | 51 Browns Lane Bentley Heath Solihull B93 9BE 

The Knowle, Dorridge and Bentley Heath Neighbourhood Forum (the Forum) has reviewed the documents accompanying this change of use planning application. 

The Forum requests further information before it is able to properly consider this application and formally respond. 

Generally, the planning statement does not cover the planning context of the development against the policies of the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan. 

12 May 2023

Response to Planning Application PL/2023/00912/PPFL

Demolition of existing house and erection of two detached houses

41 Lady Byron Lane, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9AX


24 October 2022

Response to Retrospective Planning Application Reference PL/2022/01993/PPFL

Knowle and Dorridge Lawn Tennis Club.

Retrospective Planning Application - New Floodlighting on two courts (Nos. 3 and 4) comprising 8 LED luminaires with cowls mounted on previously approved 10m columns (6 No.).

22 August 2022

Response to Prior Notification Reference PL/2022/010544/PN

Grass verge between Warwick Road and the A4141 approaching Knowle village

Prior notification for a 5G telecoms installation necessitating a H3G 20m Street Pole and additional equipment and cabinets

17 August 2022

Response to Planning Application Reference (PL/2022/00064/PPFL)

St Johns Way Shopping Centre (Knowle Precinct) - amended proposals

8 February 2022

Initial Response to Planning Application Reference (PL/2022/00064/PPFL)

St John’s Way Shopping Centre (Knowle Precinct)

Proposals to undertake refurbishment and upgrade to provide: 17 retail outlets; 28 first floor residential apartments; formation of a second floor providing 19 residential apartments; car parking; and demolition of the existing over passes. 

This major and high profile development for Knowle is likely to require a little more time to finalise than most planning applications - more details in our February 2022 Newsletter.

9 August 2022

Response to Resubmission of Planning Application Reference PL/2022/00462/MINFOT

Lodge Croft, Knowle

Two storey office building

6 April 2021

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2021/00422/MINFOT

Land at Lodge Croft, Knowle

Erect a two storey office building in the Knowle Conservation Area immediately adjacent to protected local green space allotments

1 August 2022

Response to Planning Application Reference PL/2022/01356/PPFL

Widney Evangelical Free Church, Widney Road, Bentley Heath, B93 9BN

Demolition of Vacant Church Hall and Development of 3 Town Houses

28 February 2022

Response to Resubmission of Planning Application Reference PL202101477PPFL

Erection of 4 x 3 bedroom three storey dwellings on the site of the existing unused Church

2 September 2021

Update to the Response to Planning Application: Reference PL/2021/01477/PPFL

Widney Evangelical Free Church, Widney Road, Bentley Heath, B93 9BN

Demolition of vacant church hall and development of 4 town houses

5 July 2021

Response to Planning Application: Reference PL/2021/01477/PPFL

Widney Evangelical Free Church, Widney Road, Bentley Heath, B93 9BN

Demolition of vacant church hall and development of 4 town houses

4 January 2022

Representation to Planning Committee, Planning Application PL/2021/01000/MINFOT

2 Station Approach, Dorridge, B93 8JF

On 23 December, we were made aware that Council papers published for a Planning Committee meeting on 5 January 2022 included 34 pages relating to this case, with a recommendation to approve. Our urgent request to the Council to delay given Christmas and New Year holidays was refused; we were informed that representations must be in by noon on 4 January.  We did respond by the deadline, at significant cost to holiday time.  Also, given more time, we would have wished to clarify certain points, and in particular give transparency to the many comments and emails the Forum has received supporting the objection.  


On 5 January, the majority of Planning Committee Members (but not all) voted to approve the application  (on-line proceedings here, starting at 11:15 minutes). From the proceedings we note:

  • the Agent’s statement that in hindsight “the applicant deeply regrets not having completed the development in accordance with the 2017 approved plans

  • the Chair of the Planning Committee’s summing up comments that ‘the way this has been handled by the applicant over the years has caused a great deal of angst’ and that he ‘must adhere to what is approved and not go off at a tangent to do your own thing.’


The development must conform with the terms and approved plans and be implemented within 4 months. The Council has also advised us that “We are keeping the Planning Enforcement case open until the requirements of the conditions have been met, and will carry out visits to ensure that they are.

17 December 2021

Response to Planning Application PL/2021/01000/MINFOT

2 Station Approach, Dorridge, B93 8JF

Further to our 10 May 2021 response, on 10 December we received notification of final consultation from the Council, with a shortened timeframe to respond by 20 December.  

10 May 2021

Response to Planning Application PL/2021/01000/MINFOT

2 Station Approach, Dorridge, B93 8JF     (see also related APP/Q4625/C/19/3223403 below)

Construction of timber framed single storey extensions plus first floor extension, cladding of structure, forming of new timber fencing to boundary, alterations to fenestration, erection of railings, change of use to drinking establishment with extended food provision (Sui Generis). Partly retrospective.


7 October 2020

Planning Inspector Decision: Appeal Ref: APPP/Q4625/C/19/3223403 Dismissed

2 Station Approach, Dorridge

28 October 2020

We are aware of recent posts on the Skogen website.  The Forum refutes the allegations made, both about it and against our Chairperson.


For transparency, we post all our planning application responses to the Council on this webpage.  Through the links above you can read:  the Forum's position regarding objections to the Planning Inspector, noting in particular the 'General Context' section;  the Council's Statement of Case;  and the Planning Inspector's full report.  

For clarification, we re-state here a short extract from our response: 

"In shaping our response to this Appeal, the NF firstly wants to make is absolutely clear that it is not against Skogen as a business. There is no intent or campaign to close it down: on the contrary, the NF would see it as an asset, if brought in line with the approved plans. Since the NP in principle supports appropriately designed new developments and welcomes the economic benefits such schemes can bring, the NF very much regrets the course of events leading to the current situation”.


"The NF cannot accept or condone: disregard of the planning permission (PL/2017/00988/COU); failure to adhere to the approved plans and conditions; the built scheme contravening important policies both in the KDBH NP and SMBC’s Local Plan."

It is worth noting also that:


  • the public appeal hearing scheduled for March was cancelled due to Covid-19

  • the Planning Inspectorate is entirely independent and reaches its own conclusions having all the evidence before it.

With the Council’s Local Plan proposals for large scale development in our Area about to ‘hit the road’, this decision will hopefully reduce instances of planning permission being granted for one thing, then being built differently in the expectation that a retrospective planning application will be 'nodded through'.

23 December 2019

Response to Planning Appeal Ref: APPP/Q4625/C/19/3223403

Re Planning Application Ref: PL/2017/00988/COU

Location: 2 Station Approach, Dorridge

Solihull's Statement of Case of the Local Planning Authority


21 December 2021

Wyndley Garden Centre, Warwick Road, Knowle, B93 0DX - Appeal

Demolition of the existing garden centre and associated buildings, and erection of an extra care facility 

On 17 December 2021, we became aware that the Council had issued a notification of appeal for this site, with any further comments arising from the Appellant’s Statement of Case (or associated documents) to be submitted by 22 December. 

Aware of the growing residents’ petition against the proposals, we therefore had to respond very quickly. Although largely content to rely upon our October 2020 objection, we submitted a short update on 21 December highlighting a couple of points arising, but otherwise re-iterating our wholehearted support for the Council’s reasons for refusal. We now await the Inquiry, scheduled for 11 March 2022.


21 October 2020

Response to Planning Application ​PL/2020/01993/PPFL

Wyndley Garden Centre, Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0DX

Following a detailed review of the planning application, the Forum has submitted a strong objection. 

5 November 2021

Appeal Ref: APP/Q4625/W/21/3273047 (Apple Green) linked to APP/Q4625/W/21/3275290 (Extra)

Motorway Services Station (MSA), M42, Junction 4 (Dorridge)

The promoters for both schemes (the other being Catherine de Barnes) have appealed the Planning Committee's decision to refuse both proposals. The Independent Inspector’s inquiry ran from 12 October - 5 November 2021, with proceedings live-streamed on the Council’s YouTube channel.  Link to the final day of the inquiry.  You can get a sense of how things went by going to the closing statements from all parties. The Council’s 40 minute closing submission, starting at 52:50 minutes, clearly sets out why both proposals must be rejected as ‘wholly unacceptable’. We await news on a final decision. 

9 October 2020

Planning Application PL/2016/02754/MAJFOT

Motorway Service Station at Junction 4 of M42 (off Gate Lane, Dorridge)

Applegreen has submitted a further, updated planning application, full details of which can be read on the Council's website Here (There is so much information that it may be slow to load).

Having again reviewed the details, the Forum has restated its strong objection in our response Here

Dorridge Ward Councillor Ken Meeson's objection Here


The Forum's response to the original planning application on 22/11/2016 is Here

1 July 2021

Response to Planning Application: PL/2021/01609/PN

Telecommunications Mast Widney Road Bentley Heath Solihull

Prior Notification for a 18.0m Phase 8 monopole c/w wrapround cabinet at base and associated ancillary works

6 April 2021

Response to Planning Application PL/2021/00696/TPO  

89 Manor Road, Dorridge, B93 8TT

Remove oak tree (T1) subject to a Tree Protection Order and replace with silver birch or similar

4 March 2021

Response to Solihull Council Consultation on 'Residential Backland Development'

In February 2021, the Council launched a new consultation on draft guidelines for ‘Backland Development’.  This type of development has been a notable feature in KDBH over recent years, a typical example being  erection of one or two big houses in the rear garden of large plots in a residential area (called tandem development).  In some cases, this is giving rise to neighbour objections and adversely affecting local character. 

19 February 2021

Response to Planning Application: PL/2021/00205/TPO 225

225 Mill Lane, Bentley Heath, B93 8NU

Fell 1 No. Oak Tree at Front Right Hand Corner of Property


February / March 2021

Arden Triangle: Removal on Trees on the Council's Proposed Development Site

On 1 February 2021, a number of concerned residents contacted the Knowle Society and the Forum having seen trees being felled around Lansdowne House, Knowle.  This understandably rang alarm bells given previous experience (see our Facebook posts 6-8 November 2017).  On 4 February, the Forum formally raised the matter to the Council, with various subsequent communications, see links below, to understand the process followed both in this particular case, and also more generally regarding removal of trees with a TPO.  

1.  SMBC to Forum, 4/2/21     2. Forum to SMBC, 4/2/21   3.  SMBC to Forum, 12/2/21    4.  Forum to SMBC, 1/3/21

5.  SMBC to Forum 16/3/21

26 January 2021

Planning Application PL/2020/02541/PPOL

65, Knowle Wood Road, Dorridge, Solihull B93 8JP

Outline application for access and layout (appearance, landscaping and scale to be reserved) for the demolition of existing dwelling, building ancillary to dwelling & garage and the erection of 3 No. 5 bedroom houses, garaging and associated parking. 

Decision: Planning Permission Refused

22 December 2020

Objection to Planning Application PL/2020/02541/PPOL

65, Knowle Wood Road, Dorridge, Solihull B93 8JP

Outline application for access and layout (appearance, landscaping and scale to be reserved) for the demolition of existing dwelling, building ancillary to dwelling & garage and the erection of 3 No. 5 bedroom houses, garaging and associated parking.

21 May 2020

Response to Planning Application PL/2020/00439/PPFL

Location: 65, Knowle Wood Road, Dorridge, Solihull B93 8JP

Demolition of existing dwelling, ancillary dwelling, garages and erection of apartments and associated parking.  It is a third submission for the proposed development that has previously been refused by Solihull Council, now for 7 rather than 8 apartments.

Decision: Planning Permission Refused


17 November 2020

Objection to ​PL/2020/01596/PPFL, The Chase, Smiths Lane, Knowle, B93 9AD

The previous approved application related to converting the property, ie. largely maintaining the character and setting. In contrast, this new application relates to redevelopment, ie. demolition and rebuild.  Here

16 September  2020

4) Forum Statement to Planning Committee for PL/2020/01408/PN (Vodafone Mast) 

This application went to Solihull Planning Committee on September 16 when a Forum representative attended as objector. 

Decision: Planning Application Approved

24 July 2020

3) Prior Notification PL/2020/01408/PN (Vodafone Mast)

Location: Land off Conker Lane, off Manor Road, Dorridge, B93 8SN.

Installation of an 18 metre lattice mast (Total Height 21 metres) with 6 No. antennas and 1 No. 600mm dish

and 1 No. 300mm dish, 3 No. equipment cabinets and 1 No. meter cabinet enclosed in a secure compound

measuring 5.2m x 8m

Full Planning Application here


2 June 2020

2) VF13274 Vodafone Installation of 5G base station, Supplementary Response

Location: Land off Conker Lane, off Manor Road, Dorridge, B93 8SN.


28 April 2020

1) VF13274 Vodafone Installation of 5G base station, Pre-Application Consultation Response

Location: Land off Conker Lane, off Manor Road, Dorridge, B93 8SN.

28 August 2020

Prior Notification PL/2020/01693/PN (EE Mast)

Location: Road Vergeside Land, Widney Manor Road, Solihull

Installation of a 20 metre telecommunications Phase 8 monopole with wrap around cabin built round

the base and 4 no. ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto

Full Planning Application here

22 July 2020

4) Forum Statement to Planning Committee for PL/2020/00411/PPFL

Location:  25 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull B93 0HL

This application went to Solihull Planning Committee on July 22 when a Forum representative attended as objector. 

Decision: Planning Application Approved.

1 July 2020

3) SMBC Email Correspondence


28 May 2020

2) Supplementary Response to Planning Application PL/2020/00411/PPFL

Location:  25 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull B93 0HL

18 March 2020

1) Response to Planning Application PL/2020/00411/PPFL

Location:  25 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull B93 0HL

13 July 2020

Response to Prior Notification Application Number PL/2020/01360/PN

Location: 1806 Warwick Road, Knowle (Lansdowne House)

9 July 2020

Response to Planning Application PL2020 01274 PPFL

Location: 2 and 3 Bushwood Drive, Dorridge

Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 3 detached dwellings and one detached garage


27 November 2019

Response to Planning Application Ref: PL/2019/02619/MINFDW

Location: 46 Avenue Road, Dorridge

The Council has previously refused an application on this site in 2018 for the erection of one new dwelling and alterations / extensions to the existing dwelling under application PL/2018/02209/PPFL.

Decision:  Approved

19 April 2019

Response to Planning Application Ref: PL/2018/03552/PPFL

Location: 162 Browns Lane, Knowle

Existing detached single storey dwelling on the site to be demolished and replaced with part two storey detached


Decision: Approved Date: 12.06.2019

19 April 2019

Response to Planning Application Ref: PL/2019/00346/MINFDW

Location: 2 Spring Coppice Drive, Dorridge

Proposal to demolish a bungalow and build a six bedroom house.

Decision: Approved Date: 12.06.2019

5 December 2019

Response to Planning Appeal Ref: AP/2019/00046/REF

Location: Land Between 39 And 79 Earlswood Road, Dorridge

Solihull Proposal Outline planning application for the erection of a care home (use class C2) comprising up to 81 bedrooms with all matters reserved save access.

The response to the Planning Application Ref: PL/2019//00723/PPOL is below dated 3 April 2019

Appeal Withdrawn January 2020

3 April 2019

Response to Planning Application Ref: PL/2019/00723/PPOL

Location: Land Between 39 And 79 Earlswood Road, Dorridge

Solihull Proposal Outline planning application for the erection of a care home (use class C2) comprising up to 81 bedrooms with all matters reserved save access.

Decision: Refused Date: 03.06.2019

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