Vision Briefing material -
Key themes for building our vision / plan
We have undertaken initial investigations around some ‘key themes’ that are starting to emerge from community feedback to date - although it is still very early days!
We’ve put together some short, summary information on a number those themes, with the aim of giving: data relevant to our Area; a sense of the range of feedback to date; a view of what we can achieve through our Neighbourhood Plan.
This is still very much ‘work in progress’, and will continue to evolve and refine as we get more and more feedback from you. Our Visioning events on 20 and 24 April are a great opportunity for you to make sure that we’re not missing anything that’s important to you. Keep that feedback coming……
Click on the images below to read more.
Life in our area does not exist in a 'bubble'
Much of our focus will, of course, be on development within our three villages.
In building our vision, however, we also need to consider important developments bordering on, or close to, our Area and what these could mean for us. What opportunities could they bring? What could they mean in terms of overall pressure for growth in our Area and the wider shared transport network or infrastructure facilities in our villages?
The Forum will be liaising with neighbouring Parish Councils to understand their thoughts and plans.
Click on the images below for information on two such major developments:
at Blythe Valley Business Park, on our door step
around the Airport / NEC complex
our young people's vision for kdbh
Our young people have beaten us to it! They have already held their own Visioning event, involving over 80 pupils from all schools in our Area. How should we reflect the key outcomes from this - see extract below - in our thoughts on future vision?
In our vision, KDBH is an area where:
Opportunities are available for everyone
We are friendly, caring and safe, with exciting opportunities for all people.
Everyone feels safe and can enjoy themselves whoever they are and whatever they like to do.
Families and young people can safely live, work, learn and enjoy their near luxury lifestyles. Also that there are areas dedicated to leisure, sport, schooling, food and cuisine of which all ages can enjoy.
We look after the environment, young people have many opportunities and, most importantly, everyone is safe.
Where the community should be strong and united together. Most importantly, it should lead to a happy future for the young.
All children have somewhere to have fun, all people, both young and old have a place to learn and everyone has freedom, equality and feels welcome.