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residents survey​


60+ posters were displayed in all main pedestrian and vehicle thoroughfares across KDBH.

The Residents' Survey was a massive undertaking for us as a Forum.  


Our publicity campaign involved >50 volunteers hand delivering a leaflet to every single home (nearly 8,000) included in the mapping database provided by SMBC for our Area; as well as putting up >60 posters 

across the Area.  


We used an expert in this type of survey to advise the KDBH team throughout.  He created the on-line survey to our requirements using industry-stand software, and managed input and analysis as an independent 'external' third party.   Paper copies were also available for people who preferred this.  

You can see a copy of the survey   Here.

Return to Plan: Step 1

Extract from the leaflet hand-delivered to every household in KDBH.  

Click image to see in full  


In total, 2,844 responses were received (10% of which paper copies).  At 18.7% of residents eligible to respond (16 years+), the success of the survey exceeded all expectations.  Our independent expert confirmed that the results demonstrate a good representative sample by age, gender and geography across KDBH; and also that the bigger than expected sample size meant that we could now start creating policies and start planning secure in the knowledge that we are building on very accurate and robust data.


The results provide some very clear, consistent messages on where KDBH-NF policies need to focus as a priority to protect what's most important to, and valued by, respondents.   For example, some key headlines include:


  • 91% (the biggest response of the whole survey) want KDBH-NF Plans to look at maintaining and improving present green space and recreational areas

  • Respondents overwhelmingly want to maintain clear separation from Solihull and surrounding villages - 88% said that it is 'very important' to keep KDBH 'separate';  70% want the KDBH Plan to clearly define and preserve the boundaries of our villages.  In essence, residents want to feel part of a community that is 'distinct', has good facilities and a life of its own - not a suburb

  • Levels of satisfaction with current educational provision across all ages are very high (88%-95%).  However, improving educational facilities is respondents' top priority for planning over the next 5-15 years; and third priority for planning in the next 5 years.

  • Health and welfare facilities also show a high level of current satisfaction (86%).  Even so, this is one of the uppermost concerns for respondents, with planning for medical provision ranking second in both the short and longer term.

  • The main area of focus for improvements in community facilities is refurbishing and/or extending community facilities and meeting places (32%) -  most notably indoor sports facilities

  • The design and character of housing is extremely important to how residents view the acceptability of new developments.  78% emphasise the need for new developments to promote green space and gardens - this being one of the characteristics so distinctive of our Area.  Another important priority (58%) is that design of new development reflects the current, lower than average, housing density.

  • In terms of transport and infrastructure, car parking is a major issue and second only to concerns about protecting and maintaining Green Belt / green spaces.


You can see the full Final Report  Here 

Our independent expert presented his initial findings and conclusions to Members at special Forum meeting dedicated to the Survey in July 2016 (just 3 weeks after the survey closed).  You can read a copy of the Presentation by clicking on the image.

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